nepal's beauty

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The main opposition Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (UCPN-M) on Saturday made public its action plan on army integration for defusing the political stalemate.

In the action plan "Bases of consensus for ending political deadlock", the UCPN-M, which is also the single largest party in the Constituent Assembly, have included working plan of the rehabilitation and integration of the UCPN-M combatants.

The proposal, publicized by UCPN-M Vice Chairman Narayankaji Shrestha, holds that the UCPN-M fighters would be brought under the aegis of the Special Committee for Supervision, Integration and Rehabilitation of the UCPN-M combatants to an immediate effect.

According to the action plan, the special committee will then individually take stock on the combatants' desires-either to get integrated or rehabilitated in society-and classify the fighters into two groups. The UCPN-Ms have given two months time for the classification process.

As per the UCPN-M's proposal, the integration of the fighters who will by then be divided into two camps into various security bodies would then be carried out within a month.

The UCPN-M, however, called for discussion on the criteria of integration saying that the internationally accepted criteria of integration should be the basis for integration rather than that of security agencies.

The UCPN-M's proposal comes at a time when the non-UCPN-M parties including the Nepali Congress and the Communist Party Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist have been demanding the implementation of past pacts on the part of UCPNM that includes detachment from combatants and arms, dissolution of paramilitary structure of Young Communist League and return of seized properties, among